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If you can figure out my complex ideologies, I am pretty simple to understand.

Friday, January 2, 2009

To be, or not to be?

My intention here is neither to debate the paradox behind this famous monologue by Hamlet, nor to choose between life or its annihilation. I like to look at most situations in shades of gray, rather than black or white. I often come across people who cannot wait to jump to conclusions, much like a 'jack-in-a-box'. The latter has the capacity to make me burst into peels of laughter, but I cannot say that for sure about the former.
Etymologists did a good job at categorizing the judgmental chain of thoughts into groups such as feminists, chauvinists, sexists, racists, etc. etc.

Do people jump to conclusions? Do they avoid conflicting thought processes? Would these conflicting thoughts or conclusions exist if they had an empathy towards the situation or the individual?

Societal fabric is such that everyone wants to be able to judge an individual or gauge a situation. This sometimes gives us a false impression of sticking to our traditions, staying ahead or keeping abreast. Society also breeds myriad of ideas such as pro-creation, god, atheism, capitalism, socialism, communism and the list is endless. We love to keep pushing people in these slots hoping it would give us a 'better picture'. How close to reality are these 'pictures' depends on our ability to decide whether TO BE, OR NOT TO BE judgmental.

(image source:http://blog.7yearglitch.com/2008/08/26/we-have-ways-of-making-you-dance/)

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